Tarot Apprenticeship

Master the art of tarot divination within 7 years

through a threefold combination of personal (1-to-1) mentorship, applied philosophy and actual, hands-on experience.

What it is

The Tarot Apprenticeship is a comprehensive course in the mystery of tarot divination (communication with the Divine). It was designed to turn complete novices into genuinely masterful tarot diviners who serve the public good (explained anon).

It is based off of actual apprenticeship trainings. For example, it is taught by personal mentorship, applied philosophy and actual, hands-on experience over a period of up to 7 years.

The course is currently in pre-launch. This means that you can currently enrol at a discounted price in exchange for detailed (and constructive) feedback.

Who it is for

It is for students of tarot divination (communication with the Divine). This can involve predictive accuracy and psychological readings but it is not limited to either of these practises.

Taught through Emanationist and (non-sectarian) perennalist philosophy, it is for mystics, magicians and occultists on the Right Hand Path. For example, you might be a Theosophist, Rosicrucian or Traditionalist.

It is for people who wonder “how does tarot divination actually work?” Most tarot teachers don’t even care about the answer, but I consider it an essential question to at least investigate.

It is for those who want to read tarot for all sincere seekers (regardless of their financial circumstances). You might wish to do this as a professional reader through “pro bono” work or as a spiritual practise of selfless service. It’s up to you.

How It Works

The 3 Stage Journey To Genuine Mastery

Stage I: Apprentice (up to 2 years, 50 credits)

Stage I is philosophical. It involves tuition in the philosophy of tarot divination plus mandatory homework.

Extra video lessons are also provided to help you assimilate the information and to enable you to understand difficult material by reviewing it several times.

You will also learn to read tarot for yourself. This will force you to overcome biases which, apart from the personal benefit of much self-knowledge gained, will allow you to read in a more accurate and helpful way for your querents. Unlike many other tarot teachers, I consider reading for oneself a necessary condition of reading for others.

Stage II: Journeyman (up to 2 years, 50 credits)

Stage II involves the actual, hands-on experience of giving free readings to the public.

To complete this stage, you must give 500 hours of such tarot readings and demonstrate a complete understanding of ethical and professional tarot reading principles. If successful, you will then be considered Journeyman (professionally competent) tarot diviner.

The sheer amount of actual readings (and responding to feedback) that you do during this Stage destroy any self-doubt about your own tarot divination abilities and replace them with the sort of calm confidence that only comes from experience (not echo-chamber practise groups on social media!). For maximum learning, this will be provided from three sources; me (i.e. your tutor), your querents and your own self-reflection.

During this Stage, you will be able to recuperate some training costs by accepting optional donations from querents. However, you will not be able to charge any money for readings or to accept money in exchange for any reading service.

Stage III: Master (up to 3 years, 75 credits)

Stage III is where you work towards genuine proficiency in your craft.

It involves

a) 500 hours of further reading experience.

b) The study of advanced tarot divination techniques.

c) The development of your own tarot divination style.

d) The submission of a tarot project (your ‘masterpiece’) such as a book or deck.

e) Continued adherence to ethical and professional principles, including the fulfilment of your commitment to pro bono work.

f) If applicable, the birth and attempted growth of your professional tarot reading business.

Course Curriculum: What You’ll Learn

  • The fascinating history of tarot cards and their usages.

  • Esoteric symbolism (often hidden in plain sight) on the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck.

  • All 78 tarot card meanings in depth (spiritual, psychogical, career, love, etc.).

  • Tarot card correspondences to Kabbalah, astrology, numerology etc.

  • Effective memory techniques for assimilating card meanings, symbolism and correspondences (astrology, numerology, Kabbalah etc.)

  • Divination vs fortune-telling compared and contrasted for wiser readings.

  • The true dangers of divinatory tarot reading (yes, they exist) that many diviners deny - and how to mitigate them.

  • How to give free readings with joy (for pro bono work or as part of your selfless spiritual service to others).

  • A deep, metaphysical explanation of how tarot divination actually works (that you can actually understand) so you can give more accurate, ethical and compassionate readings.

  • How to manage your energy and sure your “psychic protection” when tarot reading (so you don’t burn out or become overwhelmed by unpleasant visions and emotions).

  • How to read tarot for predictive purposes (e.g. specific events and timings) to help people avoid unnecessary life dangers and handle necessary risks with wisdom.

  • A detailed look at different tarot layouts and techniques; spreads, lines, tableaus and reading methods so you can read in a way that works best for you.

  • How to design your own tarot layouts and techniques so you can reach true mastery and stop being dependent on the techniques of others.

  • How to read accurately for yourself so you don’t have to spend money on other tarot readers.

  • Essential and avant-garde issues of ethical, legality and professionalism so you can pave the road to Heaven (rather than hell) with your good intentions.

  • Ethical marketing for divinatory tarot readers (e.g. content marketing, branding, pricing) so you can sell people what they actually need without coming across as pushy or sleazy.

  • My hand-picked list of the best tarot books to help you master your craft.

  • Much more…

Want the curriculum in full detail?

There are over 160 learning objectives in Stage I alone. To view them in a free PDF, visit the shop.

Pre-Launch Phase Modifications

Parellel Testing

Taking students through a 7 year beta course is infeasible. To solve this issue, I am testing different parts of the course at the same time (parallel testing).

Accordingly, you will take the pre-launch Stage(s) which best correspond to your tarot divination goals and experience level, as follows;

  • Stage 1: Apprentice. You are a beginner divinatory tarot reader and/or want to learn an applied philosophy of tarot divination (i.e. uncover the mystery of how it actually works) and how to read for yourself.

  • Stage II: Journeyman. You are an intermediate divinatory tarot reader and want to learn how to read for others to a professional standard.

  • Stage III: Master. You are a professionally competent divinatory tarot reader and want to become proficient in your craft.

You also have the option to take any Stage in an abridged form. This benefits you by further fitting the training to your goals and interests, whilst helping me to test specific course elements in detail. You will therefore see that, at least during the pre-launch period, Stages I and II might genuinely be beneficial to advanced and expert readers. I provide examples so you know that I’m not just saying so like other teachers do.

Stage I: You simply wish to take the 12 lesson course given in this Stage so that you can finally understand how tarot divination actually works!

Stage II You wish to incorporate pro bono practise into your tarot reading business in a sensible and sustainable manner; without giving up.

Stage III: You wish to complete a mastership project such as your book or deck to help position you as an expert within the community. Or you wish to start your tarot reading business in an ethical manner and would like me to help you with this as far as I am able.

Course Benefits

Effective, Efficient and Ethical

Master the art of tarot divination inside of a decade. Too often, I hear of yet another tarot learner with 1-5 years of experience who is struggling to read the cards. These students are usually self-taught and report issues such as; self-doubt, burnout, dealing with querents/customers etc. Does this sound like you? If so, don’t wait any longer to find a passionate divinatory tarot teacher who may still be able to help you reach mastery inside of a decade. As long as you are seriously willing to learn so that you may serve, price is no barrier to become one of my students.

Do more than memorize card meanings and correspondences. Tired of hearing tarot teachers say that you don’t really need to memorize card meanings? I am sure you have recognized this tactic as just one of many cheap gimmicks used by charlatans to line their pockets. Instead of insulting your intelligence, I will walk you through you tried and tested memory techniques to help you memorize and assimilate all of the complex information that comes with learning tarot divination. That way, you can focus on what matters; mastering your craft.

Learn how tarot divination actually works. If you ask a tarot teacher how tarot actually works most will either point to Jung’s concept of synchronicity, tell you that it works through the quantum soup or even admit that they have absolutely no idea! What use are these vague descriptions for the reader who wishes to uncover the mystery of tarot divination? None at all! Instead of psychologizing tarot’s mechanism, pulling a pseudo-scientific New Age BS answer out of a hat or giving up on this important investigation, we will cover a detailed metaphysical explanation which you can actually understand. Then, we will look at how to apply this explanation for more accurate, compassionate and ethical tarot readings. After all, what is the point of philosophy if you can’t put it to use?

Avoid causing unintended harm with a serious, in depth look at ethical tarot divination. We all want to help others with our readings but how do we know that we are not really doing more harm than good? We will explore this fascinating and important question so that you can practise ethically and actually help to change people’s lives for the better.

Give free readings with joy. A surprising number of divinatory tarot readers would like to give free or low cost readings - if they only knew how! Most people who try it give up within a couple of weeks (maximum!) due to some overwhelming combination of; too many requests, rude querents, burn-out, energy vampires, not being taken seriously and more! It is a truly disheartening state of affairs when you offer your precious time and energy for free, only for it to apparently be taken for granted. Thankfully, it is possible to give back without giving up, and in the Tarot Apprenticeship course I will show you how in a practical manner; through hands-on experience as well as theory.

Requirements [Pre-Launch]

  1. Tarot deck: Any Rider Waite Smith based (e.g. Universal tarot, mini Rider Waite Smith, gold version). Please note that this does not include “Rider Waite clone” decks. If you are unsure whether a deck would be suitable, just ask.

  2. Time Commitment: 30-90 mins per day to complete the work (shorter training length = more intensity)

  3. 1-to-1 Sessions: You need a working headset and microphone. Sessions are done via Zoom, Microsoft Teams or Google Meets.

  4. Study Skills: Due to the nature of the course, good study skills such as reading, writing and note-taking are necessary. For Stage I: Apprentice and Stage III: Master, a university degree is preferred but not essential. If unsure, apply anyway. Since I am a tutor, some support and accomodations is indeed availalbe if you are not currently in possession of the necessary skills.

Pre-Launch Pricing

Monthly: £120 £75 during pre-launch

Save over 30% by paying in full: £315 for 6 months, £450 for 9 months, £600 for 12 months.

Scholarship Option: ‘Pay what you can afford’ with a minimum monthly payment of £45 per month.

Read to become an apprentice?